Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Stage Time: Your Silent Night | Darren LaCroix | World Champion of ...

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The holiday season is a time for cheer, but some people feel depressed and alone. We all face personal challenges through out the year. No matter what your religious beliefs, we can all learn from stories of success and overcoming adversity. One of my favorites took place exactly 194 years ago today.

There are many accounts of this story, I heard it first from the acclaimed historian, Reba McEntire. (LOL) Funny and true. I also did research online to learn more about the story.

silent-nightOn Christmas Eve 1818, in a little village of Oberndorf, Austria, a blizzard stranded the people of the village. A small congregation of St. Nicholas Church had a challenge. They discovered that their organ was broken. Some say that mice had eaten the bellows of the organ and that?s why it wouldn?t work. The congregation still wanted to enjoy music of the season for their midnight Mass that evening.

They decided to create a Christmas song that could be sung without the need of an organ. Assistant pastor, Fr. Joseph Mohr brought a poem he had written to the choir director, Franz Xaver Gruber and asked if he could write a melody for guitar accompaniment so they could perform it that evening. The two struggled for hours to have a new song by midnight. That night in Obendorf, the simple and beautiful song Silent Night was born. The church was filled with the voices of the two men, the choir, and Fr. Mohr?s guitar.

According to what I read, the song stayed only with St. Nicholas Church until Karl Mauracher, a master organ builder and repairman from the Ziller Valley, obtained a copy of the composition and took it home with him. This started a journey of the song around the world. (See? There?s always a marketing guy! tee hee)

So, what does this have to do with you? Everything.

How often are we down because of some misfortune in our life. Often that misfortune is the very catalyst we need to create something more astounding than we planned. Often, adversity and creativity are the parents of greatness.

Were it not for my sandwich shop failing and being at the lowest point in my life and feeling I had nothing to lose, I would never have attempted stand-up comedy. Were it not for my financial challenges this past summer, I would not have buckled down, taken control of my finances, and said, ?Eenough is enough! I got myself into the mess ? I can get myself out!? I?m now in a better place than I was at this time last year. Often, adversity is exactly what we need to create something beautiful.

I found the Silent Night story to be touching and a powerful reminder of how much we can do with what we have. What?s your poem? Maybe it?s a talent or connections that you have. They took a simple poem and turned it into a song. Maybe it?s your personal story that you?re afraid to share or don?t see its values to others.

I also love the part of the story where Karl Mauracher shared the song with the world. We often have something wonderful, but it takes others to see it and tell the world.

What challenges do you face right now? Financial? Relationships? Career? Maybe the adversity is just a gift to bring you even more blessings that you cannot see right now. The congregation didn?t let it be a silent night. Ask for help if you need it. You choose whether your night will be a silent one. What will you choose?

Please scroll down and share any challenges you?ve had that eventually birthed something even better? or, comment on this article!

Source: http://darrenlacroix.com/keynote-speaker-darren/stage-time-silent-night/

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